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First see, then buy

You can't imagine , how your chosen floor will look like in your personal room situation?

You want to make sure , that your chosen floor fits the style of your place?

Use our photo service!
Whether it is furniture, rugs, carpet or shades:
Experience the effect of different wood species, qualities and patterns in your personal room situation. No question will be left unanswered.

easybo photo service - it can't be easier!

  • Take a digital photograph of the room in which you want to put a new floor.
  • Just transfer your pictures on-line onto our server. The fee for processing and preparation of your picture is from 9.95 € per picture (incl. VAT).
  • Usually, your picture is ready within 24 hours (on working days). You will be notified by e-mail or SMS, at your choice.
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